Nancy Isley Wolfe Once Said…

My cousin Nancy Lynn Isley Wolfe was born June 19, 1958 and yesterday this most courageous, kindest altruistic woman lost her battle with cancer on April 24, 2020.

Nancy posted “Bridge Over Troubled Waters” by Simon & Garfunkel on February 21, 2020 stating “Thank you to all of you. You’ve been my bridge…There’s no way for you to truly know what you’ve done to lift me up these past 6 years. I love all of you.”

Sail on silver girl.
Sail on by.
Your time has come to shine;
All your dreams are on their way.
See how they shine.
Oh, if you need a friend
I’m sailing right behind;
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind.

“Thank you to all of you. You’ve been my bridge… There’s no way for you to truly know what you’ve done to lift me up these past 6 years. I love all of you!” ❤️ – Nancy Isley Wolfe February 21, 2020

There are many things Nancy and I said to each other over the years and I’ll treasure all those conversations and keep her and her family in my heart. I told her she was my bridge too and there is and forever will be a bridge between our hearts. Some people look at love as a thing that dies but it doesn’t, the body expires but the love lives on, the soul lives on in everyone you connect with. Thank you Nancy for our bridge and being so strong. You’re our angel now and in good company. I love you always.

So Sail on Silver girl, it’s your time to shine.

48 thoughts on “Nancy Isley Wolfe Once Said…

  1. My condolences on your loss. I love a smile that comes directly from the heart which is what I see in her photo. While I love the song, I won’t be playing it right now as it always accompanied by a cascade of tears… its just part of being an Empath.

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      • I do understand. You were both fortunate to have each other. I wish you all the best. Healing takes as long as it takes and while the road isn’t smooth, you might find a rainbow or two among the clouds. It has been a long time but I feel my daughter at my side and smiling when it rains. She loved the rain…

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      • I believe in magic and spirits and my believe about what happens after we die is that it’s just another beginning. They’re waiting for us over the rainbow bridge or on the other side, however you want to see or view it. I’m spiritual more than religious because I like exploring my possibilities and have a lot of beliefs. I believe there are gods, angels, spirits and demons and they’re everywhere. I had a sign today but I’m pretty sure it was my Luna and Dexter… I had to return to my boyfriends work to bring him something and a male and female cardinal flew down in front of the car and were hanging out. If you ever get a chance read Kate McGahan’s books. I started with Only Gone From Your Sight which is about pet loss but she’s also written ones to deal with the loss of a family member or friend. She’s a wonderful author who I’m starting to consider to be a friend.

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      • I shall add her to my list (an endless TBR list). Unfortunately, books in English have become more expensive to purchase and difficult to come by. I”m working on that… I’ve met a few other Empaths on my blogging journey. There is a local English book exchange but most of what is available is not what I usually care to read but I’ve made a lovely friend through it. If this lock-down ever ends, we can meet up again. I’m fond of reading biographies, philosophy, history and some of the classics. Perhaps it is due to things that happened in the past but … However, I’m about to launch a reading marathon of Shakespeare and Charles & Mary Lamb. I’ve often been told I was very spiritual, perhaps it is so, but when I was very young it felt tainted and I had issues with that.

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      • Well I do love a good book and have several actual books but I also have my kindle and the kindle app on my phone. I have found that especially with being connected with a library and having apps like Kindle, Libby or Overdrive at least here if you’re in the United States but pretty sure it goes beyond. These can help you be able to read books you might not be able to find and I know I have been a diehard book in hand reader but I have embraced my kindle as well.


      • Alas, I’m afraid I’m a bit of a reverse snob. Being so tactile, I prefer to stick with previously loved paperbacks to plastic… The day may come but you can be sure I shall be dragging my heels. If the book is in French, the bibliotheque is about a three minute walk from my house. If they don’t have it they will try and track it down and each Thursday the bookmobile comes to the village. However, I believe I will stick with Shakespeare and Lamb for the summer and see what happens. I don’t think I’m ready for Shakespeare in French but I do read François de la Rochefoucauld. His maximes are sublime.

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      • I have two blogs, this one you’ve been reading is my second which I started as therapy to try to think positively and express my admiration to many who have inspired me. The other blog is on here as well the Luna Projects which is more diary like.

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      • I also have two. The French blog is still in hiatus but some continue to find it. There are some WP issues there. The second is for my poetry (therapy) and whatever else I’m in the mood to share… I will have to find your other blog and check it out.

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      • Well the fun part is that on this part of Dexter’s Daily there should be a link for The Luna Projects, just click and it should take you directly to it. I’ll have to see if I can get to your poetry.

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      • I shall give it a look and look forward to doing so. I had a third blog (not really mine but my cats) Les deux divas: ma vie en rose. Alas, my cats don’t like having their picture taken and I couldn’t get enough photos of other cats to keep it going… The divas are Colette and Simone.

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      • My cats didn’t seem to mind it. They loved me as much as I loved having them and so I got a lot of their antics and snuggles and cute videos caught in action.


      • My divas will literally curl up so i can only see a furry ball or run away the second they detect a camera. There were a few photos in the early days but they got wise to me…

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      • As you can tell by reading what I’ve written or comments I also love books and reading and love the classics but also biographies, philosophers, history and others. I haven’t read Shakespeare in awhile but maybe should revisit some unless you have some suggestions. 🙂

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      • Have you read any of the work by Charles & Mary Lamb. I have little to go on but a quote and my intuition but that usually serves me well when I have the sense to follow it. “Earth seemed a desert I was bound to traverse, seeking the old familiar faces.” – Charles Lamb

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      • Sorry. I’ve crossed the threads here and responded to Charles Cros with Charles Lamb. It’s telling me that my eyes need a break. The sun is setting and pouring through the window so between that, the computer screen and my allergies, my eyes are finished for a while. ❤ 📚

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      • Ah, it can be an endless cycle… I prefer a more natural course and haven’t had an asthma attack since I went vegan and although my allergies have not been eliminated, they are reduced. As for covid – 19, I hope you have good healthcare coverage as everyone should.

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      • I actually do thankfully and glad to be back taking my shots. Somehow I feel that it boosts my general immunity because I really haven’t had a sinus infection, flu or cold since I started. (knock on wood)

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      • Alas, I’ve never responded well to the conventional treatments and have found that the cleaner air here and a natural lifestyle are well suited for me. We each have to do what works best for us of course. ( knock on wood)

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      • I’m on right now. What is your other link. I just clicked the one associated with the comment you left. While I never knew Nancy, in reading this post, I knew her quite well.

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      • Writing has been my own “best therapy”. Grief takes as long as it takes. Sometimes there are things that get in the way of progress. When my daughter died, I wasn’t in a safe place. It was a long time before I wrote a little piece that told me so much. It was called, And the rain fell… From the time she died, until I wrote that piece, the rain seemed to wrap me in a veil of sorrow which I couldn’t comprehend. When I let that little poem leak out, so much changed. Hang in there and write.

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  2. Pingback: Laura Linney Once Said… – Dexter's Daily Quotes

  3. Pingback: International Women’s Day – Dexter's Daily Quotes

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