Bonnie Raitt Once Said… Lets Give Them Something to Talk About

Bonnie Lynn Raitt was born on November 8, 1949. Bonnie is an American blues singer, guitarist, songwriter, and activist.

Life gets mighty precious when there’s less of it to waste. – Bonnie Raitt

It’s rather sad that when you’re first born and with your parents that you’re too busy trying to grow up and not appreciate the time that you have being young and having the world ahead of you. But you can’t as you grow older and out of your parents and on your own keep looking back at what you didn’t do or haven’t done. You need to wake up and do those things, do all the things that you want, try more, learn more and accomplish things while you can. See how precious life is, really see it and experience all that you can.

Religion is for people who are scared to go to hell. Spirituality is for people who have already been there. – Bonnie Raitt

I’ve had many people ask me about religion over time and for me I always am straight forward about it that I am spiritual. I have been through hell and I have had my eyes opened wide. I also came through the other side of it. I have lived through more than one hell and survived because I chose to, because I am a survivor and chose to live.

I will not be broken. – Bonnie Raitt

For everything that I have been through over the years I will not be broken. I won’t let the things that took me down at one point destroy me the rest of the way. I know what it feels like to feel as if you have nothing left and or you’re so overwhelmed with everything that you just want to catch a little reprieve. I don’t know where or how I found my strength but I’m sure as hell glad I did. Have you found your strength?

Bonnie Raitt – Something to Talk About