Gerard Butler Once Said…

Gerard James Butler was born on November 13, 1969. Gerard is a Scottish actor and film producer. He was in one of my favorite movies P.S. I Love you with Hilary Swank and one of the funniest movies The Ugly Truth with Katherine Heigl.

Be the hero of your own life story. – Gerard Butler

I would have to agree with this, we don’t often look at or look to ourselves as heroes. Sure some of us take on professions that give us hero like options such as law enforcement, medical, fire fighters but it’s not just about saving someone else’s life or being known. To me being a hero is someone you admire, someone you look up to and want to be like and to that I do try to be a good example and no I don’t just do it for myself but I try to be kind and respectful to others. We need to look out for ourselves, this is true and most important but I feel it’s also important to do things to make things better.

The fact that you touched somebody’s soul or made them laugh…that’s a wonderful thing. – Gerard Butler

When life gets rough I do try to lighten the mood and try to help someone smile. I also listen and try to understand what someone is going through and reach them in a way that lets them know that I am listening and I am trying. I feel that’s an important gift you can give to someone else and getting them to laugh or smile is a gift to you as well.

I love a girl with a good sense of humour, who is confident but who has a sweetness to her – that melts my heart. – Gerard Butler

These are great qualities to have for someone and to look for in someone, a good sense of humor, confidence and sweetness. I feel I have a good combination of these traits and I also love a guy with the same traits. It’s a rare combination but when you have it that’s what makes everything that much sweeter.

Galway Girl – Gerard Butler & Jeffrey Dean Morgan from P.S. I Love You