Tina Turner Once Said… You’re Simply the Best

Tina Turner was born Anna Mae Bullock on November 26, 1939. Tina is an American-born Swiss singer, songwriter, dancer, and actress. Tina Turner overcame a domestic situation with her ex and skyrocketed her career to the top to become the Queen of Rock & Roll

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their own dreams. – Tina Turner

As an artist I am of course a dreamer. I have often daydreamed about things the way I wish that they were and tried to think about how or what I should do in my life. I’m proud to say that I have tried many of the things that I dreamed of doing, that were on my bucket list to see or do. I still have many things but I am thankful of what I’ve done and what I’ve accomplished in my life.

If you are unhappy with anything, whatever it is bringing you down get rid of it. Because you will find that when you are free, your true creativity, your true self comes out. – Tina Turner

Only you can change the course of your life and put it on the path to where it is heading. I have become better at ridding my life of things that impede me from my creativity and stifle me for who I am. I will no longer do that for no man or woman. My true self is something that I enjoy sharing and showing to people because it brings them joy as well.

I had to go out in the world and become strong, to discover my mission in life. – Tina Turner

This is something I figured out long long ago about going out into the world and seeing things on my own away from many things to help me discover who I am and what I’m about. It has helped me grow and allowed me to discover possibilities I would not have had I stayed close to home. Sure I do miss family and friends but I also make friends where I go and I take them with me if I leave because that’s the kind of person I am. What kind of person are you?

Tina Turner – (Simply) The Best

Little known fact about when I was on the yearbook staff and we were trying to come up with a theme for our yearbook that year and this song was out and I thought it fit perfectly and indeed it ended up being our theme voted, Simply the Best. That was the yearbook I was head photographer, photo-editor, writer and jill of all trades for and I think it turned out well. I’m still taking pictures and still sharing so I must be doing something right.