Tom Hanks Once Said…

Thomas Jeffrey Hanks was born on July 9, 1956. Tom is a brilliant actor and filmmaker and definitely one of my favorites. From Splash with Daryl Hannah to You’ve Got Mail with Meg Ryan, to The Money Pit, Forrest Gump, The Green Mile, and his perfect portrayal of Fred Rogers in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood. What can I say except that I’m definitely a fan!

There’s millions of survivors out there make it one million and one. – Tom Hanks

I am one of the many survivors in this world as long as I continue to keep my head above water and not let the world get me down. That is what you have to do in life when it hands you lemons, you make lemonade. You push yourself as hard as you can and you don’t let them win. You become the survivor, everyone has the capability of being able to do it all you have to do is put your mind to it.

That woman has loved me skinny, she’s loved me fat. She’s loved me bald, she’s loved me hairy. That woman I know loves me. So, I’m a lucky man. – Tom Hanks on his wife, Rita Wilson

This is something that is key for relationships is to love the person truthfully. Don’t just take the parts that you like and try to discard the rest. It doesn’t work that way and yes it’s not always easy but when you want to make it work and it’s worth your time you will love them no matter what. Relationships aren’t only just about one person, if one person is making the big leaps and carrying things and the other is standing by the wayside it won’t work. You need to show them they’re important, you need to communicate, you need to listen and you need to try. These are the things that make relationships work or not work.

Never give up because you never know what the tide will bring in the next day. – Tom Hanks

Sometimes you have to give up but that is if you have tried and you’ve exhausted your resources and you do what you have to in order to turn things around. As I stated before, one way streets don’t work in relationships. It needs to have both stepping forward to make an effort. Pay attention, don’t lose sight of things and try your best. Because you don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring and by tomorrow it may be too late.