Dave Mustaine Once Said…

David Scott Mustaine was born on September 13, 1961. Dave is a musician, co-founder, vocalist, lead guitarist, and primary songwriter for the heavy metal band Megadeth.

Moving on, is a simple thing, what it leaves behind is hard. – Dave Mustaine

I don’t know if I agree with Dave on this or not. Moving on isn’t necessarily a simple thing to do. There is a lot that goes into whatever you’re moving on from. There are always consequences and you have to face them, all of them and yes it’s a learning lesson. Perhaps moving on from things the act in and of itself is simple but the aftermath is a real bitch to deal with and when you’re able to do so that’s when you really grow.

It’s not how big your pencil is; it’s how you write your name. – Dave Mustaine

While this sounds like a dick metaphor I think that means much more than that. It’s about success and how it doesn’t really matter how big you get but what you do with your success that allows you to prevail. It’s about being good and doing good and treating people right and being remembered because you did the right thing and you helped instead of hurt. I think that is the secret to success.

I don’t want to be disrespectful to the partners I had…They’re all very talented, and they’ve all had a hand in my success… Some of them I don’t like, and some of them don’t like me, but I respect them all. – Dave Mustaine

For me, I guess it depends on who you consider being your partner. There’s one person in particular that I do not respect in the slightest and I do feel regret for the time I was with him, giving him an opportunity to be with me and what he did in return to burn me. There’s no way that I deserved this loathsome piece of filth nor does anyone else in life. Plus I do not feel he was talented in any fucking way, just a sad, pathetic excuse for a human waste of space. So when I thought of Dave, I guess I tuned into what I liked from his lyrics and the hate that he expressed so eloquently.

Liar – Megadeth

So I wanted to dedicate Liar to the asshole that I refuse to call him by his name. Liar is the epitome of everything that I feel towards you. Contempt, bile-filled hate. For what he took from me and what he did to me this is for you motherfucker. Bye Felicia. I won bitch.

Symphony of Destruction – Megadeth

I wanted to include this acoustic version of Symphony of Destruction. I can honestly say I’m still a fan of Megadeth and part of it is Dave’s brilliance on guitar and the other is his lyrics. Thanks Dave!